God has blessed us so much! We can just look around and count our blessings. We have a car to drive, friends to hang out with, food to eat, clothes to wear, and a comfortable house to live in, just to name a few! I could go on and on. How has God Blessed you?
With all of God provisions we are still reminded that life isn’t perfect. We still live in a fallen world, and eventually we may have a painful experience. What about you? What is your challenge that makes you say “OH that really hurts”?
Pain unfortunately is just a part of life. Throughout the Bible we see people who experienced painful challenges. For instance Joseph and all the challenges he went through. Hannah cried because she couldn’t get pregnant. Gideon and his family were barely surviving. David was hunted by Saul for years, and he didn’t do anything to deserve it. Throughout scripture we are reminded that on this side of heaven pain is a normal part of this life.
In John 10:10 God reminds us that we have an enemy down here and that enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy us, but God sent Jesus so we could live an abundant life! So whatever is hurting you right now and causing you to say “ OH” remind yourself that God loves you and is for you and He is ultimately our
God specializes in coming to our rescue at just the right time, so tell Him where you are hurting. He cares about your pain!