This time of year people start thinking of setting new goals for the year. As I was reading in Luke 5, I was reminded that goals just don’t happen over night. Simon’s goal was to catch fish, and he had fished all night with no success. Jesus told Simon to go back out and fish some more . Simon told Jesus that they had already fished all night, and didn’t catch anything ,but at his command he would go out and let his nets down one more time.
Have you been struggling hitting your goals for some time now, and you are tired, frustrated, and you feel like a failure? You have tried over and over again, and you have been unsuccessful. I think we all have at least one area in our lives where we have wanted success, but for whatever reason we have come up empty handed. We have all felt like Simon. In 2018, what did you give up on?
God reminds us in this story that we should not give up, but instead we should look up and ask God for his help, and go back out there and go for it. God cares about what you care about! So in 2019, no matter how many times you have failed before, ask the Lord for some big help, and do what Simon did and tell the Lord that you will
So, go back to work on your goal, and watch what God does! You will be blown away, and you will truly have a Happy New Year!!