When I am not real sure about something I will catch myself saying "Hmm." When I am wondering if what I am hearing is true I say, "HMM." When I am doubting or hesitating I utter under my breath, "HMM"! When it comes to trying to figure out what God is doing in my life I will question God , and say "HMM"! When it comes to questioning God's provisions I find myself doubting and saying "HMM". What about you? Can you relate? Do you find yourself doubting ? God reminds us in Luke 12:24NASB "Consider the ravens for they neither sow nor reap; they have no store room or barn, and yet GOD feeds them; How Much More valuable are you than the birds!!"
So the next time you catch yourself saying "HMM" remember these three little words!!
H ow
M uch
M ore
Valuable are you!! God has everything under control:) Enjoy your day!